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Developer Operator

Improves the developer experience for applications running in Kubernetes.

VS Code

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Helm chart installation

The installation step needs to be done only once per cluster. You may skip this step if you have a cluster already enabled.

Install stable:

helm upgrade --install developer-crd oci://registry.gitlab.com/xrow-public/repository/charts/developer-crd --version 2.0.6 -n kube-system
helm upgrade --install developer oci://registry.gitlab.com/xrow-public/repository/charts/developer-operator --version 2.0.6 -n kube-system

Install latest:

helm upgrade --install developer-crd oci://registry.gitlab.com/xrow-public/repository/charts/developer-crd --version 0.0.0+57fe852 -n kube-system
helm upgrade --install developer oci://registry.gitlab.com/xrow-public/repository/charts/developer-operator --version 0.0.0+57fe852 -n kube-system
The latest unstable build is version 0.0.0+57fe852 from 2025-03-18 17:10:11+01:00 by Andy Caiger

Helm chart uninstall

kubectl delete developer --all-namespaces --all
helm uninstall developer -n kube-system
helm uninstall developer-crd -n kube-system

Kubernetes Server Setup

Skip these steps if you have done it already

  • Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add the line fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
  • run sudo sysctl -p